Logbook loans are among the simplest types of loans to get. Though the process to get logbook loan is not hard it is still better to know how to get a logbook loan because it can save some time as there are a lot of logbook loan providers. All of them can be reached online or through telephone call.
1st step
1st step is quite simple. The person who wants to get logbook loan should look through different logbook loan providers' websites. There are always online applications available where the person can get online quote. It does not hurt to get at least few quotes in order to choose the best available conditions as they may differ depending on a logbook loan provider. It is also possible to call for a logbook lender with the numbers provided on the lender's website.
2nd step
After the quote is received the person decides whether to accept it or not. He is under no obligation to accept the quote and choose the most appropriate one.
3rd step
If the person decides to accept the quote given by a logbook lender he should come to the nearest provider's office in order to have logbook loan contract underwritten. The person should expect to get the money in cash or to the bank account in a few hours time. It is important to have logbook(V5) documents to your car in order to get a logbook loan.
4th step
The person gets money and still keeps his car. Only the rights to his vehicle are passed to the lender.
5th step
After the money are received the person must repay a loan during a time indicated in the policy documents. Installments should be made on time and it is important to remember that if the person misses payments, additional costs are implied for him and that miss payments may result in that the lender will repossess the vehicle due to borrower’s incapability to repay the debt.
6th step
Either the loan is repaid and the rights to the vehicle returns to the original owner or the lender repossess the car. Moreover, also renewal of the policy may be signed. The details of it should be disclosed with a logbook loan provider. Normally it can done by asking for an extension. If the extension is granted the borrowing is extended at the disclosed rates for an agreed period of time.